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Gerald Eckert

b. 1960
Born 1960 in Nürnberg, Eckert undertook a variety of studies, including violoncello, piano, and conducting (at the Nürnberg conservatory), mathematics (at the Erlangen-Nürnberg university), and composition (with Wilfried Jentzsch, Walter Zimmermann, and Nicolaus A. Hubert the Folkwang-Hochschule in Essen). Eckert attended master classes with James Dillon, Brian Ferneyhough, and Jonathan Harvey. He tought at the International Summer Courses for Contemporary Music in Darmstadt in 1998 as well as Adjunctant Professor for composition and architecture at Darmstadt university in 2000. Eckert has received numerous prices, grants, and awards, such as the Stuttgarter Kompositionspreis in 2005, and the Villa Aurora residency in Los Angeles in 2010.