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- Orchestra (202)
- Concertos
- Piano and orchestra (33)
- Organ and orchestra (8)
- Violin and orchestra (23)
- Viola and orchestra (10)
- Cello and orchestra (9)
- Flute and orchestra (7)
- Oboe and orchestra (6)
- Clarinet and orchestra (18)
- Bassoon and orchestra (2)
- Saxophone and orchestra (18)
- Horn and orchestra (2)
- Trumpet and orchestra (3)
- Trombone and orchestra (1)
- Guitar and orchestra (6)
- Percussion and orchestra (20)
- Ensemble and orchestra (1)
- Several solo instruments and orchestra (58)
- Chamber Orchestra (63)
- String Orchestra (71)
- Accordion Orchestra (2)
- Wind orchestra (10)
Several solo instruments and orchestra
Turgut Erçetin
Das Phonem zwischen zwei Wörtern (b)
for simultaneous baroque ensemble and large orchestra
Hanns-Christoph Schuster
Die Totenklage des Francois Villon
Textübertragung von E. Stankovski
für Bariton und großes Orchester mit obligater Viola und obligatem Englischhorn
Johannes Kalitzke
Hände im Spiegel
für Klavier, Orchester, Live-Elektronik und 2 flankierende Solisten (Counter-Tenor und Bass-/ Kontrabassklarinette)