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- Piano
- Piano 2-handed (175)
- Piano 4-handed or more (9)
- Two or more pianos (33)
- Harpsichord (+)
- Organ (+)
- Organ solo (91)
- Organ 4-handed or more (3)
- Two organs (4)
- Organ and other instruments (103)
- Accordion (+)
- Ondes martenot (1)
- Disklavier (1)
- Toy piano (1)
Two or more pianos
Michel Petrossian
In the Wake of Ea II
Based on the piano concerto "In the Wake of Ea"
for piano duo
Product No. eg2650
ISMN M-2057-2516-7
In preparation
Product No. eg2264
ISMN M-2057-2161-9
In preparation
Product No. eg2662
ISMN M-2057-2528-0
In preparation